Windows 11 running on a 10years old laptop

Using Windows 11 on unsupported computers

This post is a bit different than other I previously made, it’s more like a blog post I would like to share, I will provide links of what I have used in bottom section.

Recently I started tinkering with Windows OS just for fun by messing with PowerShell stuff, Filesystem, etc. When Windows 11 got announced it was surprising that many computers aren’t supported.

Once it got finally released yesterday I installed with my main laptop without issues as it has all requirements to run the new os but I didn’t resist trying to get it running on my old 10 years old laptop. After a bit of time spent researching something I found a toolkit that was working for bypassing all requirements.

This tool is unpacking the original iso and adding all stuff for avoid compatibility errors. Once done the tool repacked back the iso with all patches and I burnt it into my usb stick using Rufus.

So I was able to install Windows 11 without issue with also Windows Updates working. I got surprised how Windows 11 is running a lot faster than Windows 10 even on such old pc, CPU and Disk usages are 3/4 lower than the older version of the os.

Of course as the laptop is old I made some manual optimizations by debloating it and disabling animations, however even without those it was running really good.

So yeah, finally I recommend to install Windows 11 on unsupported computers at the least from my experience.

Useful links:

Windows 11 ISO

